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Course overview

Lead Adult Care Workers are the frontline staff who help adults with care and support needs to achieve their personal goals and live as independently and safely as possible, enabling them to have control and choice in their lives. If you're looking to progress your career in the care sector, this programme will help you develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours you need to thrive in your role. This course is ideal for frontline staff working in a variety of areas, whether you work in residential or nursing homes, domiciliary care, day centres or another clinical healthcare setting, whether you specialise in learning disability, mental health, drug and alcohol misuse, homecare, dementia or end of life care. You will develop your knowledge in key areas such as duty of care, diversity and inclusion, communication, safeguarding, championing health and wellbeing, and seeking to enhance your own professional development. You'll be prepared to excel in your role, providing supervision, frontline leadership, guidance and direction for others, working autonomously, exercising judgement and accountability. You'll be supported by a dedicated Apprenticeship Trainer through a combination of face-to-face learning, webinars, Skype sessions, online learning and telephone calls.

The learner journey

1. 16 months on-programme – This is when the individual will learn the skills, knowledge and behaviours which will support them for their End-Point Assessment. The learner could partake in a combination of activities, such as classroom based sessions, mentoring, shadowing, bespoke resources and off-site visits in order to support their learning and development. 

You will be required to spend at least six hours a week on off-the-job training in order to meet the course requirements.

2. Gateway – After the 16 months teaching and learning, you, your training provider and the learner will review the learners journey and decide whether it is the right time for the on-programme assessment.

3. End-Point Assessment – This is when your learner will need to demonstrate they have learnt the required knowledge, skills and behaviours, through an on demand knowledge test, a professional discussion, practical observation and business project.


Those with an annual wage bill of less than £3m do not pay the Apprenticeship Levy. Instead, 95% of each apprenticeship is funded by the government whilst a 5% investment is required by the employer to enhance the skills of their employee.

  • Employers are also be eligible for a £1000 incentive payment if the apprentice is aged 16–18.
  • Employers with less than 50 employees and where the apprentice is aged 16–18, the government will fund 100% of the apprentice and are eligible for a £1000 incentive payment.
  • Employers with those aged 19+ the government will continue to fund 95% of the apprenticeship programme whilst a 5% investment is required by the employer.

Businesses can manage this through the Apprenticeship Service online account.

Find out more

To learn additional information about this apprenticeship, you can explore our Course Sheet or Learning Journey.

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Don't settle for a one-size-fits-all approach. Contact us now to discover how our apprenticeship programme can be perfectly tailored to suit your business.