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Far more than a career quiz, our AI-powered platform identifies learners' top career qualities, empowering them to choose careers that align with their skills and aspirations while supporting you to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Learners can explore careers they have a strong skill match with, those that use their existing qualifications, careers that are future-proof, and what their salaries are. careerspro gives them all the facts, so they can make well-informed decisions. If you're looking for a tool that helps your learners to understand which specific skills are transferable to every single career, so they can write a meaningful CV and cover letter, then careerspro is the tool you need. 

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Compare Careers

careerspro collects data on previous work experience, combined with a comparative judgement tool that identifies top career qualities. They decide whether they want a small career transition or a total change of direction.

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Refine their career ideas

Users explore careers they have a strong skills match with, those that use their qualifications, careers which are future-proof and what their salaries are. We’ll give them all the facts, so they can make well-informed decisions.

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Explore their pathway

careerspro calculates every step users need to take to change into each career, from where they personally are right now. It lets them know the cost for each pathway too, so they can plan for the future.

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Uncover top transferable skills

Understand which of their specific skills are transferable to every single career, so they can write a meaningful CV and cover letter. When they're ready, they can search and apply for jobs nearby or across the UK.

  • Limited Resources and Funding: Budget constraints and staffing issues limit the ability to invest in comprehensive careers guidance programs.
  • Time Constraints: Curriculum pressures and high teacher workload make it challenging to fit careers education into the timetable.
  • Lack of Engagement: Difficulty in engaging students and parents in careers guidance.
  • Meeting Gatsby Benchmarks: Challenges in providing comprehensive coverage and tracking progress against the Gatsby Benchmarks.
  • Access to Up-to-Date Information: Keeping up with the latest labour market trends and job opportunities is essential but challenging.
  • Strategic Planning: Leadership commitment and a named Careers Leader are essential for the delivery of the careers program.
  • Meeting Gatsby Benchmarks: Providers should have a stable careers program that is embedded in the curriculum and regularly reviewed.
  • Employer Engagement: Authentic employer engagement and career hubs are crucial for providing real-world insights and experiences.
  • Balanced Guidance: Careers guidance should provide balanced information about both academic and technical routes.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Providers should use data to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their careers guidance programs.

Use the power of software to help meet the Gatsby Benchmarks

We use comparative judgment to discover what is most important to people in their career - or, if they already know what they want to do, they can browse our database of over 500 careers. We ask users for their employment history, so we can match the skills they may already have with their future career goals. Every user is provided with a personalised career report.


A significant part of your Ofsted Toolbox

Enhances your CEIAG by providing independent careers advice

Directly links to your own organisations offer 

Support learner engagement and progression

Link to localised and national job vacancies

Upload users at a individual, class or organisation level

API links to MIS Platforms

Easy self-serve portal

Customisable platform branding

Ready for a Demo and free licences to try it out?

We’ve supported 83,000+ people to discover their dream career. If you provide career support to people, careerspro is the perfect complement, whether you’re a school, college, university, careers coach or provide outplacement services. 

Contact Us Today!

Female Avatar
5/5 stars
5/5 stars

As a Teacher, I felt well-prepared due to the training session held beforehand where the system was fully explained to me and I could even then see the benefits of the session for the children. When Emma ran the session for the children, she explained the steps clearly to them and was helpful and approachable throughout as they worked through the quiz. The results given to the children were really interesting and gave a wide-ranging set of careers for them to consider and research further. Every child had a personalised report generated for them, which they were really excited to receive.

Natalie Brennan

Teacher, Birchwood Primary School

Female Avatar 2 1
5/5 stars
5/5 stars

I thought that I would get the result of a Judge or Investigator but the results that I actually got were more creative careers such as Set Designer, Cake Decorator and Dress Designer, which have given me some new ideas to consider.


Student, Birchwood Primary School

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5/5 stars
5/5 stars

I was very surprised because some of the careers choices that came up at the end of my quiz were ones that I never expected to come up, such as Bodyguard and Firefighter. These are now careers that I might consider in the future.


Student, Birchwood Primary School