Information, Advice or Guidance | Level 2 | Learning Curve Group Skip to main content

Course Overview

For many businesses, being able to offer clear and accurate information, advice or guidance (IAG) - and knowing what can be shared legally and professionally - is really important. This course covers communication techniques, interpersonal skills and group interactions, as well as how to store and retrieve information in a way that complies with the law.

There are many organisations that provide information, advice or guidance services on issues such as: careers and employment, education and training, financial advice on issues such as debt, loans, mortgages and savings, childcare options, housing options, health care, disability, drug or alcohol addiction.

Information Advice Or Guidance

What will I learn?

This course is made up of 7 units:

  • Explore communication techniques
  • Study how values, attitudes and beliefs can affect interactions
  • Develop interaction and interpersonal skills
  • Learn how information, advice or guidance can be explored
  • Learn how group interaction can be utilised
  • Manage information, including storage and retrieval
  • Learn how to comply with the law

Eligibility Criteria

This course is government funded, you must meet the following criteria to be able to study for free:

  • You must currently live in England    
  • You must have been resident in the UK/EU for 3+ years, for purposes other than study    
  • You must be over the age of 19   
  • You must not be on an apprenticeship

There is a £125 cancellation fee if you enrol and do not complete or withdraw from the course. This fee is to cover administration costs. 

80% of Ofsted inspections flagged a need for better IAG
64% of students say the best IAG comes from friends/relatives
2009: the IAG strategy was launched by the government.
150k people needed crisis support for the first time in 2022.

Studying made simple!

We don't like to make things more complicated than they need to be... Our courses are designed to be flexible around your work and family life. 

Step 1

Submit your enrolment form

You'll get instant access to begin your course

Step 2

We'll start processing your funding application

A tutor will be assigned to support you through your course, they can be contacted via phone, text or email

Step 3

You'll receive text reminders when your work is due

Your work will be marked by your Tutor and returned to you within 7 days.

Step 4

Submit your work

Once you've finished your course, we'll apply for your certificate. This will be posted to your home address within 6 months of completing your course.

Start your application

If you'd like to enrol, we'd love to welcome you on a course with us! 

Need support enrolling? 

If you'd like support with your enrolment, or want to make sure this is the right course for you, fill out your details below and a member of the team will be in touch.

Learning method

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