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Course overview

This programme is ideal for new and talented employees who want to learn and progress, or for existing employees who are looking to retrain or upskill. It is ideal for those looking to develop their skills within the industry who are currently in a management or senior position. Completion of this apprenticeship will also open doors to higher level qualifications.

Course content

  • Organisation background information and business planning
  • Organisation policies
  • Customers and stakeholders
  • Context
  • Assets
  • Legislation and regulation

You will also develop your skills and behaviours in financial management, performance, and project management, influencing and negotiating, and people management, as well as further skills in communication, customer service and collaborative working, which are key skills for successful housing professionals.

The learner journey

1. 18 months on-programme – This is when you will gain the skills, knowledge and behaviours which will then support you in the End-Point Assessment. Your apprenticeship will include either remote or classroom-based sessions each month, along with assessments and wider learning that could include workplace training, e-learning, research, and completion of assignments. You will build a portfolio of evidence of your knowledge, skills, and behaviours before completing a work-based project. 

You will be required to spend at least six hours a week on off-the-job training in order to meet the course requirements.

2. Gateway – After 18 months teaching and learning, the employer, training provider and the learner will  review the learner journey and decide whether it is the right time for the end point assessment to be arranged.

3. End-Point Assessment – This is when you will need to demonstrate you have learnt the required knowledge, and behaviours, through a remote end point assessment interview and submission of your work-based project. The project makes up 80% of the grade and the interview makes up 20%. You will also be required to deliver a 10-minute presentation during your end point assessment interview.

Industry recognised qualifications

Apprentices have the opportunity to study an industry recognised qualification alongside their apprenticeship. Options include the Chartered Institute of Housing Level 4 Certificate in Housing or The Property Institute Level 4 Course in Leasehold Property Management for Apprentices. During their qualification, apprentices receive student membership, granting access to resources, webinars, and industry events.

Employer benefits

  • Opportunity to build a team qualified to upcoming ROPA and social housing recommended standards
  • Completion of a high-level project that benefits the company
  • Free apprentice recruitment service
  • Workforce training planning
  • Cost effective training
  • Increase productivity and revitalise your company
  • Skilled workforce - improve your service
  • Reduce staff turnover
  • Raise staff morale


Those with an annual wage bill of less than £3m do not pay the Apprenticeship Levy. Instead, 95% of each apprenticeship is funded by the government whilst a 5% investment is required by the employer to enhance the skills of their employee.

  • Employers are also be eligible for a £1000 incentive payment if the apprentice is aged 16–18.
  • Employers with less than 50 employees and where the apprentice is aged 16–18, the government will fund 100% of the apprentice and are eligible for a £1000 incentive payment.
  • Employers with those aged 19+ the government will continue to fund 95% of the apprenticeship programme whilst a 5% investment is required by the employer.

Businesses can manage this through the Apprenticeship Service online account.

Find out more

To learn additional information about this apprenticeship, you can explore our Course Sheet or Learning Journey.

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Learning method

List of available offerings
There are currently no available training options. Please get in touch to find out more information.